Another great flight of Gil Souviron in his S12

Gil Souviron forecasted to break the European Record of FAI triangle with 1135 km last week…

Well, he missed the target as the waves were too weak after two hours. He had to restart the engine and started over again at 4300 meters. Nevertheless, he and his co-pilot flew an amazing (and very unique!) route across two seas from France to Corsica and back across the Italian mainland with his Stemme S12 in 11:08 hours. Congratulations, Gil! So great to see what can be done with a Stemme and we love following your adventures!


Here is Gil´s comment on his flight:
"I dedicate this flight to Klaus (Ohlmann), which brings for me (and I believe for all pilots) dream and the adventure in our sport.
His recent flight to Greece was really amazing.
And of course to Baptiste, who has designed this flight, and has piloted all the strategic point of our flight - especially in Italy.
This flight FAI triangle 1133km is not an European record, because due to the very weak waves at Fayence at the beginning of the flight we passed the line at 4300 meters, and we finish at 1600 Meters. But I think it is a spcial flight done in Europe.

After trying for almost two hours to climb, I propose to Baptiste to restart the engine of the S12 and to climb up to 4000 Meters. Still the waves were weak and we decided to start to Corsica at 4900 meters.
The circuit was a pure mix if different flight: Waves for Corsica, Rotor with no waves in Italy then convergence, cumulus, blue thermal to cross the italy plain of Pô, then Waves again at the return to the Alps at Val de Suza.
The really tricky part of the flight was to come back from Italy to close the circuit, and espacielly at one time Baptiste managed wonderfully to recover some waves in Italy near Pavullo.

But to achieve that you need a Glider, I am very happy that the Stemme S12 has allowed to achieve with success to close such original circuit."

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